The code SPASI23 -2 refers to an **ABB SPASI23 Analog Input Module** with a quantity of **-2**. Here's a breakdown of the information:

**Product:** SPASI23  (ABB Analog Input Module)

**Manufacturer:** ABB - A prominent robotics and industrial automation company

**Quantity:** -2 (This is likely an indication of the quantity, possibly in reference to a parts list or order where there are negative two SPASI23 modules)


The SPASI23 is an analog input module designed for use with ABB control systems like the Symphony series. It measures various analog signals from sensors and transducers and converts them into digital values that the control system can understand.


* Supports various analog input types like thermocouples (TC), millivolt (mV), Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs), and high-level voltage signals.
* Provides high accuracy and resolution for analog signal measurement.
* May offer features like:
    * Channel isolation to prevent electrical noise interference between channels.
    * Configuration options for different sensor types and scaling of measured values.


The SPASI23 is used in various industrial automation applications where analog signals need to be monitored and integrated into control systems, such as:

* **Factory automation:** Monitoring temperature, pressure, flow, and other process variables in production lines.
* **Building automation:** Monitoring temperature, humidity, and other environmental conditions in buildings.
* **Process control:** Monitoring and controlling process variables in various industries like chemical, oil & gas, and power generation.

**Quantity (-2):**

The "-2" after SPASI23 likely refers to the quantity in a specific context, such as:

* A parts list indicating there are **two SPASI23 modules missing** (negative quantity suggests a shortage).
* An order specifying a **removal or return of two SPASI23 modules**.

**Finding More Information:**

Here are some resources for your search about the SPASI23 module:

* **ABB Website:** The ABB website ([]( offers information on the SPASI23. Search for "SPASI23" to find product descriptions, user manuals, and datasheets with technical specifications.
* **Authorized Distributors:** Contact an authorized ABB distributor in your region. They might have access to additional resources or replacement parts for the SPASI23.

**Additional Notes:**

* Working with industrial automation systems often requires knowledge of:
    * Industrial automation principles
    * Analog signal processing concepts
    * Specific functionalities and configuration of the SPASI23 module

If you have the complete context for the "-2" quantity (e.g., parts list, order details), it can help understand the specific situation regarding the SPASI23 modules.